
Criman Clan

This blog is just for fun to share with famly and friends across the country. We hope you enjoy some of these snapshots as we enjoy sharing what we do with you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Special Lady

Recently one of my favorite patients had an appointment at our office. I ran to my purse and pulled out my phone/camera to take a picture of this wonderful lady. Hence, the dental x-rays on the computer.
There are many people that have influenced my life and Shauna Larsen is one of them.
Many years ago, when we lived in Orem I served as secretary in the Relief Society when Shauna was the president. She taught me to enjoy, cherish, and appreciate the Relief Society program. Shauna took me under her wings and taught me how to serve and love the ladies in our ward.
It has been 18 years since we've lived in that ward. I am so grateful for her great example and the love she brings to all those she comes in contact with. When Shauna enters a room there is always excitement, laughter, and love. I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to serve with her even if it was over 18 years ago. I am even more thankful for the appointments she makes at our dentist office so we can laugh with her today. I love you Shauna!

I love it when Shauna comes to visit!

Congratulations to Sarah and Natalie!!!

Sarah's Shower

Saturday, July 17th, we had a bridal shower for Sarah Hebdon. She is getting married Aug 12th in the Timpanogos Temple. It was fun to share her engagement with neighbors and friends.

The above picture is Chelsey Kelson, Sarah Hebdon, Kristen Criman Zabriskie, and Natalie Sorensen. Natalie is getting married August 10th in the Salt Lake Temple. These girls have grown up together. They have a special place in my heart. It was so fun to have them together. Natalie had her shower on Wednesday, the 14th, at Melissa Karren's home. This was a week of fun celebration and getting friends together.

I didn't get a picture of everyone that came to the shower, but here are some fun pictures of the little girls. Amy had them dressed up so cute in white dresses. Naomi, Ester, and Ora loved the chocolate donuts that Kim Court brought.
It was so fun to visit with everyone. I am so grateful for all the friendships that I have. There a some very special people in our neighborhood. I am so blessed!


Kevin had a wonderful time at Zion's repelling and walking through the Narrows with his scout group. He came home and showed Kyle how to repel. Kevin and Kyle were repelling from our poplar trees and sycamore tree in our backyard. It was a wonderful afternoon. The boys were actually getting along and having an amazing time. "Love at Home!"

Kevin teaching Kyle the skills.....
Kyle loves to climb and spend time in the outdoors.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dr. Rogers B-day

A tradition in our dental office is to go to lunch for birthday celebrations. July 14th we went to Five Guys and celebrated Dr. Rogers b-day. I am so grateful for all he does for our family. Dr. Rogers and Kristie are wonderful people and great examples to all of us. I have worked for Dr. Rogers since August of 1987. I've only quit three times - Kristen, Kevin, and Kyle. I am truly blessed to have my job and I am so grateful for all the people that I've had the privilege to meet over the years.

Dr. Rogers DDS - He picked where we went to lunch. Love Five Guys!!!
Kristie and Dr. Rogers

Jayne and I have worked together for over 15 years.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Huntsville Canyon Camp Out

July 1,2,3, 4, 2010
We headed towards East Ogden and camped east of Huntsville, Utah. It is a beautiful area. Once again we are blessed to live in Utah and experience the great outdoors.

I had to get a shirt.

We went with several neighbors and played for the 4th weekend.
Kristen and Jon brought their dog, Tessa. She dug a hole and tried getting the chipmunks and pot-guts. There were plenty of them all over camp.
Kristen, Jon and Kevin came towards the end of the campout. Jon had work. Kevin was at Justin Allred's home in Logan, helping install hardwood floors at Justin's mother-in-laws home. Now I want hardwood floors.
On July 3rd we went into town and experienced the small town parade and festival. It was so cute and fun. The kids got lots of candy at the parade and went to face painting at the festival. The food was great, too.
The Williams family camped next to our trailer. Todd, Cheryl, Brittany, Tiffany, Zachery, Nicolas, Andres, and Morgan.
There was a small river that ran through our campground. The kids had tubes and loved getting into the freezing water.
All Clean!!!
Ora and Ester took a bath in this basin in the Wright trailer.
Naomi lost her tooth after the parade. She was kind of shocked, but a real trooper.

The Wrights camped across the road from our trailer.
Amy, Ray, Sarah, Rhett, James, Jacob, Naomi, Ester, and Ora.
Brodie Kelson and Zane Elkins also came on the camp out.

We sure enjoy the outdoors. It was a great get-away. So fun to go camping with friends and family. Our next adventure will be Montana in August after the boys get back from their scout camps towards the end of July.

Gooseberry Campout

June 23 - 26, 2010 there was a neighborhood camp out. We all met at Gooseberry Reservoir located in Fairview Canyon. The families that came were the Wrights, Crimans, Hurst, Daniels, Jones, Farrers, Brodie Kelson, Brooklyn Dahl, Emily Simpson, and Haylee Stewart.

Kristen and Jon met us Friday after Jon got off of his work. They got lost, but eventually found us. We are trying to teach them to follow directions.
The little girls braided their hair (Brooklyn Dahl, Hannah Jones, Emily Simpson, and Janna Hurst.) Lizzy, DeLayne, Gina, and I show our grins at the picnic table. Jennifer Daniel, Amy Wright, Ester Wright, RaeAnn Hurst, Gina Farrer, and I went for a nice walk.
A few captions of the Wright girls. Sooo cute! Amy, Naomi, Ester, and Ora.
Haylee Stewart, Cammie Hurst, Jeffery Hurst, Kevin Criman, McKay Daniel, Brooklyn Dahl, Hannah Jones, Emily Simpson, and Janna Hurst.

Kevin and RaeAnn Hurst
Each night we have a campfire. This night was very entertaining. Jon had his guitar and everyone participated. We saw another side to Rhett, Kevin, and McKay. They sure "hammed it up!"

Bill Criman Tree

This is a tree planted at the Imperial Valley Museum in memory of Nathan's dad. Bill, Dad, helped build the museum and contributed hundreds of hours of service to make it what it is today.

Office Remodel

June 2010

This spring Nathan and I had our office remodeled. We designed cabinets that would help our home office be more efficient and nice. We are still working on putting things in order, but we love the new cabinets. We had them built by a friend who teaches at UVU and is a specialist in building. We chose the knotty pine. We hope this lasts a life time. Sure makes a difference to have a place to put all our "stuff".